If a preacher wants to keep their job, and not unnecessarily tick people off, there are two topics they carefully skirt around, when preaching on Christmas Eve. For the purposes of this blog entry, I am calling them "Christ-Myths", mostly because I like the word-play.
Myths get a bad name in our culture. We use the word "myth" in a dismissive way, to say that something is untrue, and therefore unworthy of serious attention. But myths are more than that. A myth is also a story that carries meaning that matters to us.
The story of Santa Claus is one of the myths that I am careful with on Christmas Eve. (Actually for the whole Advent and Christmas season.) The story of Santa is a fantasy, only loosely based on the story of the historical figure Saint Nicholas. This does not prevent us from using the story to pass on meaning that we think is important. We especially want the children in our life to live, if only for a few years, in a world in which magic is possible, and in which such a kind and generous figure could exist. We are attracted to the idea that Santa loves all the children of the world, and visits all of their homes on Christmas Eve. This is a much happier idea than the the reality that many of the children in the world do not have homes, and will most certainly not receive a special gift from a magical benefactor.
Myths are powerful things. They have positive and negative aspects. The downside of the Santa myth, in my opinion, is the "naughty or nice" piece. It strongly suggests to a child that does not receive all they hoped for at Christmas that it is their fault. I don't like the implication that Santa's generosity, or love, is conditional upon the child's behaviour. What about the kids who won't receive much, whether or not they behaved well?
The other "Christ-Myth" that I approach with caution is the Virgin Birth. A good friend asked me this week if I planned to talk about it. They said, " What if this part of the Jesus story, which is so hard to take seriously, is the barrier or obstacle that is stopping a person from taking the person and message of Jesus seriously? " (Okay, I am paraphrasing their question, but that was the gist of it!)
For those who are surprised to read that I would classify the Virgin Birth as a myth, I recommend "Born of a Woman: A Bishop Rethinks the Birth of Jesus", by John Shelby Spong. In this book, Spong adds his voice to that of a chorus of Biblical scholars who recognize the beauty and the power of the New Testament stories of the birth of Jesus, without reading them as literally true.
In my own sermon preparation work this Advent, for the "Children of Promise" series, I have been struck by how many times in Bible stories, God is at work changing the world through the birth of a vulnerable child. Isaac, son of Sarah. Moses, son of Jochabed, Samuel, son of Hannah, John, son of Elizabeth, and Jesus, son of Mary are all examples of "miracle" babies, who either were almost not born in the first place, or narrowly managed to survive their infancy.
In a real sense, every child is a miracle baby, even if they are not the hero of a Bible story. Do we need a "bigger, better" miracle in the case of Jesus, in order to take him seriously?
Most weeks I prepare a 4 page sermon for the United Church of Canada congregation I serve in Oakville, Ontario. This blog is a place for the "good stuff" that does not make the final cut.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Free light and crystal ducks
(This reflection was written on Cyber Monday, and will also appear in the Christmas edition of Branches, the newsletter for Trinity United Church in Oakville.)
I have been putting up the outside Christmas decorations at our house. We have a small collection of items that are meaningful to us as much for who gave them, as for what they are. Over the years of our marriage, I have noticed that as we accumulate more things in general, we are more hesitant than we used to be to acquire new items. Where to store it all? What precious, or formerly precious item would need to go, to make room for the new thing? (I think people are like that with ideas and traditions as well- do we really want to give up what is familiar, in favour of something to which we don’t yet feel connected?)
In the culture we live in, money is so often used to measure the significance and the worth of things. “Time is money!” “Act now for big savings!” “When you care enough to send the very best!” “No payments, and no interest for 36 months!” To suggest that the deeper meaning of this Christmas season cannot be bought or sold, and is probably not on display next to the Swarovski crystal duck with the 24 carat gold beak, is a radical, counter-cultural statement.
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” Gospel of John 1:5
We have been gradually replacing our older lights with energy efficient L.E.D.s. This year we took a further step, and bought a few solar spotlights, and a string of mini sparkly lights that have a solar panel, that generates electricity stored in rechargeable cells. I love that at least some of these decorations shine at night, because of light we saw in the day. I don’t know if we are actually saving money (especially if I factor in what I spent on the new items) but there is still something satisfying to me about “free light”.
When it gets dark (Which these days seems like about 10 minutes after the kids get home from school!), the solar lights, which are controlled by ambient light sensors, turn themselves on. The rest of our lights, the more conventional plug in ones, come on with a click of the remote control. The lights that draw current from our house, and set the power meter whirring with excitement, are much brighter than the little solar powered ones. The glare from these “not free” lights reaches the sensors on the solar lights, and they turn off.
I am trying to find an arrangement on our front lawn that will allow both kinds of light to shine at the same time- but it’s a challenge. The plugged in lights (which I am starting to think of as representing the more commercial, consumerist aspect of Christmas) are so bright, that my noble little “free power” solar lights (symbolizing all that money can’t buy) simply cannot be seen.
In the culture we live in, money is so often used to measure the significance and the worth of things. “Time is money!” “Act now for big savings!” “When you care enough to send the very best!” “No payments, and no interest for 36 months!” To suggest that the deeper meaning of this Christmas season cannot be bought or sold, and is probably not on display next to the Swarovski crystal duck with the 24 carat gold beak, is a radical, counter-cultural statement.
But it’s also absolutely true. What we are meant to celebrate at Christmas is the presence of love in our human reality. We see in the birth of Jesus God’s passionate desire to tell us that we are all precious, loved, needed, and accepted, no matter what messages we have absorbed from the world about our value.
There are ways in which we can use our resources and money to communicate our love. But there are also ways in which spending money actually seems to take the place of really showing a person that we love them, and that our interest in them goes farther than checking their name off our “to buy” list.
I had an inspiring conversation last week with a man who is one of the wealthiest people I know. We were talking about Christmas. He said that the thing his family most loves to do in this season is find a family that is having a really hard time, and find ways to support and help them. Sometimes that means giving them money. Sometimes that means paying to fix a car, or a furnace. Sometimes it means having them over for supper, or bringing a meal into the family’s home, and sitting down with them to enjoy it together.
When my friend was talking about the joy his family finds in finding ways to be useful, and to bring light into other people’s lives- his face was glowing with excitement. Our world needs more of that kind of light, that may involve spending, but which cannot be bought.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Who laughed?
My pre-Christmas teaching series, “Children of Promise” began with a look at the moment at which Abraham and Sarah learn that they will be parents. There are two versions of the story in the Book of Genesis. It is exactly this kind of thing- multiple versions of essentially the same story, with variations in detail and style, that over a century ago led Biblical scholars to the idea, now widely accepted, that the Old Testament is a compilation of material from several streams or traditions. (The question of why this is still ignored by many Christian teachers and preachers might be a blog for another day!) These stories were told in different ways by different people, and were likely passed along orally, like folk tales.
I was recently at a family gathering at which I heard three different versions told of a story from my childhood. I can’t tell you which is the “true” or “truest” version. I only know which one I remember hearing most often.
In Genesis chapter 17, Abram has a conversation with God, who invites him into a covenant relationship. God is not described in this story, which leaves me wondering if this is a dream or a vision, rather than a physical encounter.
God gives him a new name, and says that his wife will bear a son. This child will be the first in a long line of descendants, numerous enough to form a new nation. They will be given the whole land of Canaan in which to settle. As a sign of the covenant, Abraham, and all the males in his household, and all of his male descendants must submit to circumcision.
Abraham takes the prospect of circumcision in stride, but is incredulous that Sarai, now to be called Sarah, will bear a child. The story says, “Abraham fell facedown; he laughed and said to himself, “Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old? Will Sarah bear a child at the age of ninety?”
Despite Abraham’s laughter, God reassures him that within the year, Sarah will bear a male child, and that God will be back to see that this promise has come true.
In the very next chapter of Genesis, the encounter with God is less dream-like. God appears as a trio of strangers, who are offered the hospitality of Abraham and Sarah’s encampment. (They already have their new names, but do not yet have knowledge of the upcoming birth.)
Abraham calls for water to be brought so that the strangers may wash their feet. He goes into his tent and instructs Sarah to get flour to bake bread. He then selects a tender calf from his herd for the servants to slaughter and cook. He fetches curds and milk to eat with the other food that will be prepared. Abraham fulfills the requirements of hospitality that were common to nomadic peoples in this region. He would not eat until after his guests needs were met.
“While they ate, he stood near them under a tree.
But he said, “Yes, you did laugh.” (from Genesis 18)
In this version, Sarah is listening when God issues the promise of a child to Abraham. She laughs, which is what Abraham did in the first version of the story. (The name Isaac comes from Hebrew words for “she laughed”.) The figure speaking for God (one of the three strangers) asks why Sarah laughed, and echoes the promise made in the first version of the story, that within the year, God will return to them, and Sarah will have given birth to a son.
The promise is the same, but the manner in which it is delivered is quite different. I don’t really know what to make of all the differences, except that they support the existence of variant traditions of how the story was told, over the generations, before the stories were collected into the form we now have them in the Old Testament.
I do find it interesting that in the New Testament, Matthew’s Gospel describes Joseph being told that Mary would bear a son, and the news is delivered in a dream. In Luke’s Gospel, it is Mary who first receives the news, from an angel. I am also curious about the identity of the three strangers who visited Abraham and Sarah- did they come from the East, like the Wise Men? Or were they angels, as suggested by the New Testament letter to the Hebrews:
” Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” (Hebrews 13:2)
Monday, November 7, 2011
Memoral Service for my favourite cousin
Memorial Service for Scott Stec
Monday, November 7, 2011 at 1:00 p.m.
McEvoy and Shields Funeral Home,
1411 Hunt Club Road, Ottawa, Ontario
Greeting and Welcome:
Good afternoon. My name is Darrow Woods, and I am Scott’s cousin. I am also a United Church minister. I met a number of you on July 16, when we gathered for Scott and Elfrida’s wedding. On behalf of all sides of Scott’s family, I welcome you here, and thank you for coming. We see you all as living signs of the impact Scott has made in the world, and how he is loved, and respected, and will be missed.
We gather to mourn Scott’s death, and celebrate his life. We are also here to laugh and cry together, to hold and comfort each other, and look to faith for hope and meaning.
Please take a moment now to make sure that your cell phone is either off or set to vibrate.
Opening Prayer:
Loving God, we live and breathe, and love, and create, and change, and grow, and suffer losses, and grieve. We nurture love, and we help each other. We seek meaning, and look for signs of hope. We grumble, we sigh, we laugh, we cry out in despair. We pray, we sing, and we offer you thanks and praise. Our hearts beat, and the blood moves through our bodies. All the living we do, we do in your presence. You are always with us, God, whether we know it or not. In this time, we quiet ourselves, limit our distractions, so that we can look for you in our midst, and hear your voice, and feel your peace. Amen
This passage I think also speaks to the kind of person we have known Scott to be- one who valued people above possessions, and getting along above petty arguing.
Matthew 5:1-9
1-2 When Jesus saw his ministry drawing huge crowds, he climbed a hillside. Those who were apprenticed to him, the committed, climbed with him. Arriving at a quiet place, he sat down and taught his climbing companions. This is what he said:
3"You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.
4"You're blessed when you feel you've lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you.
5"You're blessed when you're content with just who you are—no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought.
6"You're blessed when you've worked up a good appetite for God. He's food and drink in the best meal you'll ever eat.
7"You're blessed when you care. At the moment of being 'care-full,' you find yourselves cared for.
8"You're blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart—put right. Then you can see God in the outside world.
9"You're blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That's when you discover who you really are, and your place in God's family.
First Letter from John, chapter 4:7-12, 17-19
7-10My beloved friends, let us continue to love each other since love comes from God. Everyone who loves is born of God and experiences a relationship with God. The person who refuses to love doesn't know the first thing about God, because God is love—so you can't know him if you don't love. This is how God showed his love for us: God sent his only Son into the world so we might live through him. This is the kind of love we are talking about—not that we once upon a time loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to clear away our sins and the damage they've done to our relationship with God.
11-12My dear, dear friends, if God loved us like this, we certainly ought to love each other. No one has seen God, ever. But if we love one another, God dwells deeply within us, and his love becomes complete in us—perfect love!
17-18God is love. When we take up permanent residence in a life of love, we live in God and God lives in us. This way, love has the run of the house, becomes at home and mature in us….There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life—fear of death, fear of judgment—is one not yet fully formed in love.
19We, though, are going to love—love and be loved. First we were loved, now we love. God loved us first. “
May God help us make sense of these words, and in them, find hope and meaning. Amen
Speakers in order:
Special music
We gather together to celebrate Scott’s life, and to give thanks to God for him. We also make our prayers, and ask God to take care of him. While we are talking to God, it may be that we have some questions. Why did Scott have to die, in this way, at such a young age? It doesn’t make sense. We hate this. The only meaning we see in it is that at least his suffering is over. If it wasn’t going to get any better for Scott, at least now it does not get any worse. But that does not answer our questions.
The questions are very human, and natural, and for the most part, unanswerable. We don’t understand many things about life and death, and really, I am not sure how helpful the answer to the “why” questions would really be. It may be that the only thing that might relieve the grief and confusion and anger of these moments would be if time could go backwards, and Scott never became sick in the first place.
I think the “why” questions are just our mind trying to catch up with what has happened. Our minds can’t cope with the pain of losing a precious loved one, so we cry out why, in protest.
I don’t think there is an answer that makes the pain go away. The pain is real, and natural, and a consequence of loving someone.
The last time I saw Scott was just before Labour Day. My family was not able to be with us for Scott and Elfrida’s wedding, so we all came here at the end of August. I am so glad we did. My kids had not seen Scott for years, and they had not met Elfrida. They treated our family to a great supper one evening, and we made plans for the next day. While Elfrida was at work, we picked up Scott, and took him with us on our family expedition to the Museum of Science and Technology. It was a great day.
My kids got to explore, and play in the museum with their gentle giant of a second cousin. That went well, because even at 32, Scott still had the heart, and sense of delight and fun he had when he was a boy. I know this, because I was 18 when he was born, and I knew him when he was young. I almost said when he was little- but you know…
My wife is also a minister. When Elfrida and Scott took us out for supper, they asked us “What’s the hardest part of your work?” They were being careful, I think because of the presence of our kids, who are 10 and 13. But the unspoken part of that conversation was about death. That was the beginning of one of those conversations that happen a bit at a time We dance carefully around the subject of death, rarely daring to come close. We don’t like to dwell on it. There is probably a fear that we might hasten the reality of death, by talking about it- so we avoid it.
But it came up again between Scott and I. The two of us were in the Railway Hall of the museum of science and technology, seated on a bench beside a huge black steam locomotive. I noticed that the steel wheels were taller than Scott. When you have a cousin that tall, you notice things that are even taller. Not many things are.
Scott’s dad worked for many years at a big paper mill in Thunder Bay. Trains brought pulp logs in to the mill, and carried away the huge rolls of newsprint made there. The railway, and steel wheels are part of our spiritual landscape. My first job out of high school was as a brakeman. I remember the sights, sounds, smells, and the feeling of riding on diesel locomotives.
Scott and I are sitting on this bench in the locomotive hall. I think it was cut down from one of the long pews they used to have in railroad stations. He asks me, “How do you do it? How do you talk with a family when someone dies?” Suddenly, there is something even bigger in the room than the massive locomotive. Now we are sitting in the shadow of death. I feel it, like it’s barrelling down the track towards us. In my heart, I feel my own dread of death, and particularly, my dread of the death of this man with the beautiful spirit, who has always, absolutely, been my favourite cousin.
I understand, in that moment, what Scott is asking, is not so much for words of comfort for himself. He is asking whether there will be comfort and hope for those he loves. I hear, and feel, the deeper questions underneath his words. It’s like the rumbling you feel when a train is coming, even before you can hear it, or see it. Death, or at least our shared awareness of the possibility of Scott’s death, was a powerful force in the room.
But it was not the only powerful force in the room that day, and it is not the only powerful force in this room right now. The more powerful force is love.
Instead of answers that probably would not satisfy us anyway, God gives us love.
It is love that makes our lives livable, even in the face of illness, and hardship, and death. It is love that gives us the ability to carry on, even when change happens that we would not have chosen. Love helps us through the times that shatter us, and make us cry.
When it comes right down to it, nothing else matters much, outside of love. I am not talking about the way we say we love a new smartphone, or ipad. I am not talking about romantic affection, or our feelings about a perfectly grilled steak. I am talking about love without strings, love without ego, love that is about nothing except total acceptance and good will. This is the love that conquers fear, and makes life possible, even when the tracks are rumbling.
There are moments like that time on the bench in the locomotive hall with Scott, when we get glimpses of pure and real love. Love that is better than most of us humans can manage on our own. Love that flows through us, to another person, or through another person, to us.
I think that this kind of love originates not with us, but with God. That kind of love does not end with death. The love we have for Scott is not diminished by death. The love he showed the world did not end when his physical body died. All that love remains, and is real.
What I have come to believe is that God’s love never ends. It has no beginning, and no end, it just flows on and on. The glimpses we have of real love in our life, can give us confidence that love comes from somewhere beyond us. Love comes from God. Actually, that love is God. When we die, we return to be fully with God, the source of all that made life livable in the first place. And in love, God takes care of us, forever. Amen
Prayers of Thanksgiving and Concern
God of grace and glory,
we are so thankful for Scott Stec who touched the lives of those gathered here,
and who now has died.
He will be remembered in so many ways.
As a son, and husband, as a son-in-law, and as a cousin.
As a housemate, as a fellow student. As a co-worker.
As a floor hockey champion. As a golfer, and sports fan.
As the only person I ever met, who wore size 18 shoes. I remember his parents having to drive from Thunder Bay to Duluth, Minnesota to find him shoes and clothes.
As a gentle, loving, positive man who looked for good in life, and in people, and who did not complain, even when illness made every step, every moment, and sometimes each breath, a painful challenge.
We thank you for the friendship he gave
and for the strength and peace he brought.
We thank you for the love he offered and received.
We pray that nothing good in Scott’s life
will be lost, but will be of benefit to the world;
that all that was important to him
will be respected by those who follow,
and that everything he valued
will continue to mean much to us now that he has died.
We ask that he may live on in our hearts and minds,
inspiring courage, informing conscience.
We ask that those who were close to Scott may now,
because of his death, be even closer to one another,
and that in peace and friendship here on earth,
we may always be deeply conscious of your promise
to be faithful to us in death.
We pray for ourselves, who are tested by this death,
that we do not try to minimize the loss,
or seek refuge from it in words alone,
nor brood over it so that it overwhelms us
and isolates us from others.
God of grace and glory,
grant us courage and confidence. Amen
The Lord’s Prayer:
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
forever and ever. Amen
Chapel Commital:
In a moment the service will be over, and you are all invited to join the family in the reception area.
To offer a sense of completion, I am going to now say the words of committal that we would use if we were at a graveside today
Words of Committal:
Into God’s keeping we commend Scott Stec here departed.
Earth to earth, Ashes to ashes, dust to dust,
Trusting in God’s great mercy by which we have been born anew
To a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
On our hearts and on our homes, the blessing of God.
In our coming and our going, the peace of God.
In our life and our believing, the love of God.
At our end and new beginning, the arms of God welcome us home. Amen
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Is Hallowe'en Evil?
There are two top times for the stores that sell house decorations. Christmas and Hallowe'en. The greatest growth in recent years has been with the Hallowe'en business. The experts say that this is because Hallowe'en is thought of as a kind of generic, multi-cultural holiday that people from all different backgrounds can have fun with. The Christian history kind of gets lost- I guess that is a lot like Christmas, when you think about it.
This was, for the Celts, New Year’s Eve, and they had big parties, just like some people do today. There would be lots of food and drink, because the fall harvest had just been completed, and if people came calling at your door or your gate you would share with them.
In the past few years I have noticed that some of the more fundamentalist churches have taken to condemning the celebration of Hallowe'en as being inspired by the devil. Personally, I think this is a real stretch, and that it is really an exercise in trying to get attention by being against something. I think it may also reflect a lack of awareness of the real roots of the holiday.
How many here have Irish or Scots or Welsh blood? I have some Irish in me. The Celts are ancestors of Scots and Welsh and Irish people. The Celts had a highly developed culture, and literature, and religion long before the coming of Christianity to their lands. Their religion, like ours, not only addressed concerns about behaviour and morality, it provided a way to understand all of creation. The Celts had four major religious holidays in their calendar, called festivals of fire, that marked important times.
The most important of the fire festivals was called ( pronounced Sowen ) Samhain. It was the Celtic New Year, and fell on November 1. Samhain was celebrated for three days. The day before Samhain is the last day of the old year and the day after Samhain is the first day of the new year. The Celts placed a lot of importance upon endings and beginnings, and on the space between an end and a new beginning. This was a magical, transitional time, when the rules that normally held the universe together were suspended, and unusual things could happen.
The Celts believed that at this special “between time”, the souls of all the people who had died in the previous year could make their journey from this world to the next world. The Celts didn’t believe in heaven or hell. They believed that the souls of the dead left this life behind and graduated to the next level.
It makes sense that they had this celebration at this time of year. The gathering of souls to go to the next level was a bit like the harvest of crops that had just been completed. This was also the time of year when pastured animals were brought home, and some of those animals would be killed and butchered, to provide meat for the winter, and to cull the herds so that the animal feed would go further. It’s a time of year for wrapping up loose ends.
Still, the idea that bodiless souls could be floating around is a bit scary. There was some concern that these souls could come back to settle old scores. So it was common to have big festive parties, with lots of noise, and huge bonfires to scare away the spirits. Some people wore masks to disguise them from the ghosts.
When Christianity came to the British Isles, this festival of fire was baptised with holy water, and became All Saints Day, or HallowMas. The night before was called the Eve of All Hallows, or Hallowe’en. The day after was called All Soul’s Day. When the church took it over, All Saints Day became a time to celebrate God's harvesting into heaven the faithful people of every age, culture and walk of life.
For us, All Saints Day hasn’t really caught on in comparison to Hallowe’en. We are still attracted to the dark symbols- the skeletons and skulls, the black bats, the ghosts and goblins- the elements of the supernatural. I think that this is because we live in a culture that doesn’t deal with change, or death very well, and craves an outlet for all the spooky ideas and feelings.
In some parts of the world, death is dealt with very differently, and the Hallowe’en /All Saints celebration is very different. In Mexico the first and second of November are the Days of the Dead. The evening of October 31 is the beginning of the Day of the Dead Children, which is followed on November 1 by the Day of the Dead Adults. Skeleton figures-candy (sugar skulls), toys, statues and decorations-are seen everywhere. It is a time for great festivity, with traditional plays and food. It is a time to play with death. Family graves are decorated and picnics are held at the graves of deceased family members, who are thought of as honoured guests at the party.
We would never do that kind of thing in our culture. In many families, once the messiness of a funeral is over and done with, the person who is died is hardly ever talked about again. They are not exactly forgotten, but we probably would not think of holding a party in their honour at their grave. We live in a society that worships youth and health and fitness, and tries to deny that death is real. Except at Hallowe’en, then it’s okay to put tombstones and spider webs on your front lawn, and give out candy to children dressed as ghosts and ghouls.
Most of the time, we avoid talking and thinking about death. It makes us uncomfortable, because we have so many unanswered questions. It’s too bad that we don’t see the world more like the ancient Celts did. They understood that everything has a beginning and an ending. They honoured that, and recognised that nothing lasts forever. They did not waste their time trying to deny the reality of death, they saw it as a part of our life cycle.
If you remember that there was history before your life began, and that there will be a future that goes on after you die, it can give you a broader perspective on the everyday. Maybe that is more like the way God sees things, from a perspective outside the flow of time. When we do let ourselves think about death, and the end of our own lives, it is good to also think about God, who is ultimately in charge.
We heard a reading this morning from the last book in the Bible, the Book of Revelations. Revelations is probably a good choice for Hallowe’en, because it is the most scary and dangerous book in the Bible, if it is misinterpreted. Images and ideas from Revelations have been used by Hollywood, and by horror book writers, to scare us for generations. This is ironic, because Revelations was written not to frighten people, but to offer them comfort and hope.
Revelations is probably the work of a Jewish Christian who wrote in a style that we now call apocalyptic. Do you remember the movie “Apocalypse Now”? It was about the devastation of the Viet Nam War, which for people in the middle of it, seemed like the end of the world. The word Apocalypse refers to the end of the world.
Visions of the end of the world seem to emerge at times when people feel like life just can’t get any worse, or better. When they feel like there is no earthly solution to their problems, and the only thing that can happen is that God will step in and wipe the slate clean. The possibility is held up that there will be a time of reckoning, when God will step in to destroy the wicked, to save those who suffer, to bring down the powerful and raise up the meek.
The passage I read for you this morning is a vision of heaven. The picture is of the gathering of the saints, those who have been faithful to God, and now, at the end of their earthly lives, find themselves with God in heaven.
This is an image that Christians have drawn great comfort from over the centuries, because they find it in an answer to their questions about death. They see a picture of God in charge at the end, a God who has been with them through all of their days, who has seen how their lives have gone, and who welcomes them to heaven.
This image was particularly important during the times when Christians were persecuted, even killed for the faith. History is full of the stories of people who are remembered as living out their faith no matter the cost. Saint Stephen and Saint Peter were early martyrs of the church, who were killed for their beliefs.
This image of the gathering of the faithful in heaven may also become more important to us as we make our way through the stages of life. As we remember those who have gone before us, and who now enjoy their reward with God in heaven, we are also reminded that we are headed there too, and that we will see them again. We live in a world that does not like to talk about death. That denial of death can fill us with fear. As Christians, we don’t have all the answers to the hard questions about life and death, but we place our faith and trust in God. Amen
Monday, October 24, 2011
Praying is better than worrying
On Sunday I included a quick clip of "Don't Worry, Be Happy" in the sermon. The song I really wanted to include, the one that inspired me all week as I was praying and thinking about the sermon, is "Why Worry". It was written by Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits. His band has performed and recorded it, and Mark has gone on to perform it as a duet with artists like Emmy Lou Harris- they do a wonderful job with it. The Youtube link I am including here is for a video of Knopfler performing the song with his guitar mentor Chet Atkins, and with his musical heroes, the Everly Brothers. Apparently Knopfler originally wrote the song with Phil and Don Everly in mind.
Like many pop songs, we can listen to it as a romantic love song, or we can open our imagination a bit, and hear God's spirit speaking to us. Hearing God ask. "Why Worry?" inspired me all this week!
In my sermon I said a little bit about Sunday morning worship as a time and place with God in which we get re-charged, and re-connected, so that we can go back out and love and serve in the world.
I love Sunday worship. I also no longer think it is enough to sustain us spiritually
As a runner, I know that if I only find time to run once a week, it's still be good for me, and better than nothing, but not really enough. I need to exercise, and challenge my cardio-vascular system at least every second day, and preferably, every day.
To run the spiritual race, to live the life that I believe God is calling me to live, I need to attend to my spiritual fitness on a daily basis. I need to enter into a discipline that helps me set aside time to be aware of God's presence.
There are a variety of ways to do that- but one that I am very interested in promoting these days involves taking time each day to read and pray with scripture. An excellent resource, that provides a devotional for every day of the year is:
Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals
It was compiled by Shane Claiborne, Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, and Enuma Okoro, and draws from Christian traditions from many times, and many places around the globe.
At a conference for church leaders I attended in Nashville this month, there was a lot of talk about "Common Prayer" as a tool for individual spiritual formation, and for building community.
I like how the book draws upon the history and tradition of the church, and also introduces a fresh spirit to a way of praying that is at least 1600 years old.
It is available in book stores for about $20.00.
You can also access the daily morning prayer at: http://commonprayer.net/
It is also available from KOBO as an e-book, for about $14.00.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Making Space for God
“Simply put, prayer is becoming aware and taking notice of the presence of God in which we dwell and which dwells within us. Prayer is discovering and growing in the conscious awareness of a God who, like a captivated, ever-present parent, continually contemplates, nurtures, indulges and protects.” Page 15, “Swimming in the Sun: Discovering the Lord’s Prayer with Francis of Assisi and Thomas Merton”.
Another writer, Henri Nouwen, said, “The discipline of prayer is the intentional, concentrated, and regular effort to create space for God. Everything and everyone around us wants to fill up every bit of space in our lives and so make us not only occupied people, but preoccupied people as well.” Page 18, “Spiritual Formation: Following the Movements of the Spirit”.
A person who visits me for Spiritual Direction has said she has weeks in which the only quiet time she experiences is the hour she spends in my office. To quiet our own hearts, to limit our distractions, to simply be present in the moment- these things can be a challenge. There is so much that as Nouwen said, “wants to fill up every bit of space in our lives”. No wonder the earliest monastics went off to live and pray in the desert!
One “place” I have found that allows me to clear the clutter of daily living, and to open my awareness to simple things like a footstep or a breath, is in walking the labyrinth.
On Saturday, October 22, from 1:30 to 3:30 pm, there will be a Labyrinth Workshop at Trinity United Church, hosted by the Pastoral Care Team.
Walking the labyrinth is an ancient spiritual practice known to Christians for centuries. There are labyrinths in public spaces and holy places all over the world, including many cathedrals and churches. This workshop is facilitated by Sonya Bolek, a Veriditas (the World-Wide Labyrinth Organization) Trained Labyrinth Facilitator and Spiritual Director. She is the Youth Director and Parish Secretary at Saint John’s Anglican Church (Port Dalhousie) in St. Catharines.
There is no fee for this workshop, but those who are able are asked to consider a suggested donation of $5 per person to help cover costs.
If you would like to attend the Labyrinth Workshop, please let us know. We can comfortably accommodate about 20 people. To register, please call the church office at 905-845-3152, or email us at churchoffice@trinityunited.com
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Methodist Influence
I have been a member of the United Church of Canada most of my life (Baptized at age 4), and have served as a minister for more than 20 years. Even so, I know very little about the denominations that joined together in 1925 to form this uniquely Canadian church. I can generally sort out which church buildings "look" Presbyterian or Methodist. (You can often get clues from the name!)
For the last few years I have had this intuitive "knowing" that I needed to learn more about Methodism. What a blessing it is to have some genuine United Methodist Church pastors as friends and neighbours!
Conversations with these friends have offered me glimpses of what Methodism has to offer, and have pointed me towards good things to read, and ideas to explore further. I will be flying down to Nashville in October to attend a Wesleyan Leadership Conference entitled:
"A New Vision for Wesleyan Community"with Dr. Elaine Heath
The Wesleyan Leadership Conference aims to help The United Methodist Church recover what it means to be Christian and Methodist in the 21st century. One step in this process is to ask the question: How do we develop disciple-making communities that are centered in the work of Jesus Christ in the world?
I am hoping to pick up some methods that can be used in my United Church context, in which I believe there is deep hunger and need for spiritual formation and growth as disciples.
Elaine Heath is a professor of evangelism at a United Methodist Seminary in Dallas. She wrote a fascinating book called the Mystic Way of Evangelism, and is the co-author of "Longing for Spring", which explores a radically different model for "doing church", that is deeply rooted in the heritage of early Methodism. I am planning to write mini-reviews of both of these books, as a way of preparing for my time in Nashville.
Sam Persons Parkes, who is enrolled in the Toronto School of Theology's Doctor of Theology program, has come to Trinity twice in recent months as a guest preacher. On his latest visit he brought a wonderful presentation he created, and which he has allowed me to share here. Click the link and enjoy!
For the last few years I have had this intuitive "knowing" that I needed to learn more about Methodism. What a blessing it is to have some genuine United Methodist Church pastors as friends and neighbours!
Conversations with these friends have offered me glimpses of what Methodism has to offer, and have pointed me towards good things to read, and ideas to explore further. I will be flying down to Nashville in October to attend a Wesleyan Leadership Conference entitled:
"A New Vision for Wesleyan Community"with Dr. Elaine Heath
The Wesleyan Leadership Conference aims to help The United Methodist Church recover what it means to be Christian and Methodist in the 21st century. One step in this process is to ask the question: How do we develop disciple-making communities that are centered in the work of Jesus Christ in the world?
I am hoping to pick up some methods that can be used in my United Church context, in which I believe there is deep hunger and need for spiritual formation and growth as disciples.
Elaine Heath is a professor of evangelism at a United Methodist Seminary in Dallas. She wrote a fascinating book called the Mystic Way of Evangelism, and is the co-author of "Longing for Spring", which explores a radically different model for "doing church", that is deeply rooted in the heritage of early Methodism. I am planning to write mini-reviews of both of these books, as a way of preparing for my time in Nashville.
Sam Persons Parkes, who is enrolled in the Toronto School of Theology's Doctor of Theology program, has come to Trinity twice in recent months as a guest preacher. On his latest visit he brought a wonderful presentation he created, and which he has allowed me to share here. Click the link and enjoy!
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